Select a membership:


7 days FREE then £25/month MYATB Monthly Membership

Free for 7 days £25.00/month
Start Free Trial

After your 7 day trial, you will have instant access to continue on in your monthly subscription.

Cancel anytime at the end of your term or keep enjoying this commitment free pricing!

Subscription includes the following benefits:

  • UNLIMITED use of any and all videos in our content library

  • New classes are added REGULARLY

  • Extensive, growing on demand library custom curated with your needs in mind!

  • Access on any device

  • Easy to Use: Instant Simplified Access

  • Navigate our content easily to find something new to inspire you!

A note from Jen:

Barre changed my life. Asides from the obvious career change, it also changed my headspace, my body and the way I feel about exercise.

If you’re looking for a way to get stronger and fitter that is fun, sustainable and simple then I’m your woman.

I’ll make you feel better in your head and in your clothes and keep you motivated with great tunes and my (not-so-great yet) incessant chat.

MYATB is set up with the busy woman in mind. All classes are pre-recorded and can be accessed at a time and a place that is convenient for you. If you choose to continue with your membership I recommend that you buy the equipment, but for the most part you can, initially, use regular household items. See my insta page for more info on this.

What’s on the platform?

Barre Basics. It’s a hard recommend from me that you start here, regardless of your previous experience. All barre teachers are different, and this will allow you to get to know me and the way I teach through 16 sequential classes.

A class library of over 100 classes. I release x4 new classes a week, which are added at 5.30am Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Like strength training? Me too! There are 12 Pumped Up Strength classes, and a new format called Strength & Lift coming soon.

What can you expect?

Full body workouts that are suitable for all fitness levels, with modifications and adjustments for every individual.

Rapid improvements in balance, strength, stamina, power, flexibility and motor control.

To feel great! You may be a little achy after the first class, but this soon subsides and you’ll notice the physical and mental benefits almost immediately.

Your membership:

If you do not wish to continue please make sure you cancel within the 7 day trial period. If you do not cancel you will seamlessly transition to the monthly membership.

You can cancel your membership at any point during the year, or chose to continue, in which case your membership will renew automatically.

The classes:

Arms and Abs -Monday – 30 minutes of focused toning and strengthening.

HIIT Barre - Wednesday – 30 minutes of heart-pumping, sweat-inducing fun.

Express-30 - Friday – 30 minutes of top-to-toe sculpting.

Power Barre - Saturday – 45 minutes of full-body barre bliss.

Strength & Lift - coming soon.

Access to the library of the past 6 months worth of classes.

Sign up for your 7-day trial today and start your journey to a healthier, happier you.

I'll meet you at the barre soon,

xx Jen


7 days FREE then £250/year MYATB Annual Membership

Free for 7 days £250.00/year
Start Free Trial

After your 7 day trial, you will have instant access to continue on in your annual subscription.

Cancel anytime at the end of your term or keep enjoying this commitment free pricing!

Subscription includes the following benefits:

  • UNLIMITED use of any and all videos in our content library

  • New classes are added REGULARLY

  • Extensive, growing on demand library custom curated with your needs in mind!

  • Access on any device

  • Easy to Use: Instant Simplified Access

  • Navigate our content easily to find something new to inspire you!

A note from Jen:

Barre changed my life. Asides from the obvious career change, it also changed my headspace, my body and the way I feel about exercise.

If you’re looking for a way to get stronger and fitter that is fun, sustainable and simple then I’m your woman.

I’ll make you feel better in your head and in your clothes and keep you motivated with great tunes and my (not-so-great yet) incessant chat.

MYATB is set up with the busy woman in mind. All classes are pre-recorded and can be accessed at a time and a place that is convenient for you. If you choose to continue with your membership I recommend that you buy the equipment, but for the most part you can, initially, use regular household items. See my insta page for more info on this.

What’s on the platform?

Barre Basics. It’s a hard recommend from me that you start here, regardless of your previous experience. All barre teachers are different, and this will allow you to get to know me and the way I teach through 16 sequential classes.

A class library of over 100 classes. I release x4 new classes a week, which are added at 5.30am Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Like strength training? Me too! There is a weekly Upbeat Lift class based around supersets and choreographed to music.  

What can you expect?

Full body workouts that are suitable for all fitness levels, with modifications and adjustments for every individual.

Rapid improvements in balance, strength, stamina, power, flexibility and motor control.

To feel great! You may be a little achy after the first class, but this soon subsides and you’ll notice the physical and mental benefits almost immediately.

Your membership:

If you do not wish to continue please make sure you cancel within the 7 day trial period. If you do not cancel you will seamlessly transition to the annual membership.

You can cancel your membership at any point during the year, or chose to continue, in which case your membership will renew automatically.

The classes:

Arms and Abs -Monday – 30 minutes of focused toning and strengthening.

HIIT Barre - Wednesday – 30 minutes of heart-pumping, sweat-inducing fun.

Express-30 - Friday – 30 minutes of top-to-toe sculpting.

Power Barre - Saturday – 45 minutes of full-body barre bliss.

Upbeat Lift - weekly strength training class.  Either 30 minutes or 1 hour.  

Access to the library of the past 6 months worth of classes.

Sign up for your 7-day trial today and start your journey to a healthier, happier you.

I'll meet you at the barre soon,

xx Jen